Spain – Montserrat – Basilica of Montserrat

Spain – Montserrat – Basilica of Montserrat

Basilica of Montserrat is dedicated to the Black Virgin of Montserrat – you can see her statue in the basilica. Its favourite saint in Spain and Catalonia, for example Christopher Columbus named the caribbean island Montserrat after her. When you will plan the trip, check the schedule to see when boy choir of Montserrat – L’Escolania – sings in the Basilica, its definitely worth it. Be there at least 15 minutes before appointed time – basilica is getting crowded very quickly as it is a very famous choir…

Or you can attend a mass first – its a nice experience – and then stay to see and hear the choir…



if you are interested what other places we recommend in the Barcelona, you can continue here:


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